“In order to grow we must be open to new ideas...new ways of doing things... new ways of thinking.”George Raveling
The online examination system, one of the modules of school management ERP, is the latest hot topic among school administrators these days. With an online exam management system, educators & faculty can create, manage, evaluate, and analyze, students’ performance all at a unified or centralized place from anywhere!
Zero geographic boundaries!
Cloud-based exam center!
Virtual question paper, monitoring, result evaluation, and publication!
If you are a stakeholder & thinking, “How do I get started?” – Your search ends here!
There are a few essential things that you need to understand for getting started with online exam software. Once you master the core functionalities & knowledge, you’ll soon become a pro in managing exams virtually via the student information system.
Exam Management Module Fundamentals
Before you dive headfirst into the software, you must know what it is. The basic package of exam module consists –
- Various online assessment tools
- Provision to create MCQs, Descriptive, and Quizzes based question sets
- Provision to connect with students online
- Encrypted question sets for smooth information flow
- Inbuilt system for instant evaluation of answers
- Feedback to students, live chat provision, and student progress reports generation
Automation and streamlining examinations activities go hand-in-hand with school software. Teachers can design various skill development tests in multiple formats and communicate with students to motivate them to push their limits. It enables educators to dig deeper into overall academic progress, better student engagement, and faster processes. And the best part is – everything is done online. To get ready for the change – You need to sit on your chair, start your laptop, and start researching more about it!
Real to Virtual World
Researching & gaining information about online assessments is fine, but when it comes to walking the path of transition, things get messed up. “Real to virtual” transition is a major concern for faculty. Luckily, it can be achieved quickly with a reliable cloud-based student information system. The virtual path asks for replacing the following protocols of schools with the given e-protocols.
Exam center online exam classroom
- In an offline school examination setup, students are supposed to go to the exam center for successfully being a part of the examination.
- Here, with virtual exam software, students are supposed to reach the online exam classroom! The next step describes how-
Hall tickets e-tickets with Ids and passwords
- To enter the hall, students have to submit/show their hall ticket to the exam monitoring teacher or authority.
- To enter the virtual exam center, the User Id and password becomes the “hall ticket”! Students are given unique Ids with passwords; they need to login to the system using credentials and a device for internet connection, of course!
The chronology of events is easy. Unlike paper-pen based offline exams, online exams save time, effort, and unnecessary hassle of exam conduction & make the entire journey super smooth.
Flow of Examination
The flow of online examination goes like this –

- Question papers are set by teachers based on the teaching curriculum & syllabus
- Students get connected via a speedy internet
- Exam starts & ends
- Results are displayed at the end of the examination
That’s it!
Sound too simple? It is, indeed, that simple!
The hoax that describes online examination as tricky doesn’t deserve a single second of attention! The online exam process for schools is swift, effortless, and easily executable, but the results you’ll experience, I bet, would be extraordinary!
Learn in detail the top advantages of online assessments for schools and let us know if you have any queries/concerns. You can also get in touch with our team to schedule a FREE demo of the online exam module system. Don’t hesitate! We have helped thousands of globally renowned schools to set up online exam procedures with our school ERP software.
Let us contribute to your success story too!
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